Life cycle
About OA
What is open access?
OA Mythbusting
The OA Books landscape
OA books vs OA journals
Benefits of publishing an OA book
Dissemination & discoverability
OA book policy landscape
Research data & OA books
OA books and open educational resources
Author success stories
About the Toolkit
Welcome to the toolkit
How to browse this toolkit
Story of this toolkit
Who is responsible for this toolkit?
Help and feedback
Future developments
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Our Supporters
Source acknowledgements
If everything else fails you can still resort to our sitemap.
About OA
What is open access?
OA Mythbusting
Common myths about open access
The OA Books landscape
OA books vs OA journals
The difference between an open access book and an open access journal
Benefits of publishing an OA book
Why publish an open access book?
Benefits of open access book publishing for early career researchers
Dissemination & discoverability
Dissemination and discoverability
OA book policy landscape
Open access book policy landscape
Research data & OA books
Research data and open access books
OA books and open educational resources
Author success stories
Open access book ‘success stories’: the authors write
Academic Ableism : Disability and Higher Education
Biostratigraphic and Geological Significance of Planktonic Foraminifera; Evolution and Geological Significance of Larger Benthic Foraminifera
Conservation Biology in Sub-Saharan Africa
Contextual Process Digitalization: Changing Perspectives – Design Thinking – Value-Led Design
Coronavirus Politics: The Comparative Politics and Policy of COVID-19
Destination London: The Expansion of the Visitor Economy
Hippocrates Now: The ‘Father of Medicine’ in the Internet Age
Music on the Move
Rethinking Social Action through Music : The Search for Coexistence and Citizenship in Medellín’s Music Schools
Still Life: Notes on Barbara Loden's "Wanda" (1970)
Wonder, Horror, Mystery: Letters on Cinema and Religion in Malick, Von Trier, and Kieślowski
About the Toolkit
Welcome to the toolkit
How to browse this toolkit
Story of this toolkit
Who is responsible for this toolkit?
Help and feedback
What do users think of the toolkit?
Future developments
Help and feedback
Support the toolkit
Our Supporters
Our supporters
Source acknowledgements
Recording: CCC Beyond the book - How to publish an open access book
Recording: Frankfurt Book Fair - OAPEN OA Books Toolkit
Recording: boOkmArks - introducing the OAPEN Open Access Books Toolkit
Life cycle
Planning and Funding
Business models for open access book publishing
Eligibility criteria for grant applications
Green, gold, diamond – different models for open access books
Open access book policy landscape
Overview of available funding
Research institutions
Conduct Research
Consider Publishing Options
Choosing a Creative Commons licence
Research institutions
Self-publishing your open access book
The difference between open access and non-open access books
Why publish an open access book?
Benefits of open access book publishing for early career researchers
How to find open access book publishers
Write & submit manuscript
Contracting and copyright
How to choose a publisher for your open access book
Types of publishers and publishing services
Peer review
Peer review and quality control
Book contract and License
Choosing a Creative Commons licence
Contracting and copyright
Third-party permissions
Book is published & disseminated
Digital and print publication
Dissemination and discoverability
How will researchers use, re-use and build upon my research?
Self-publishing your open access book
Research is reused
How will researchers use, re-use and build upon my research?
About this toolkit
How can I find relevant information quickly within this toolkit?
What is the OAPEN open access books toolkit?
About Open Access
Are open access books peer reviewed?
Are there different kinds of open access?
Do funders care about the type of open access?
Does open access lead to a loss of quality and prestige?
Does open access lead to increased plagiarism?
Does open access mean the end of print?
Does open access prevent the use of third party copyrighted material?
Is a book processing charge the only way to make my books open access?
What is diamond / platinum open access?
What is gold open access?
What is green open access?
What is open access?
Open access books landscape
How does an open access book differ from an open access journal?
OA books and open educational resources
Open access book policy landscape
What are the benefits of open access for books?
What are the benefits of open access for early career researchers?
Why publish an open access book?
Publishing options
How do I choose a publisher for my open access book?
What are my rights over my open access book?
What are the differences between an open access and non-open access book?
What services should a publisher offer?
Am I eligible for open access funding?
Can my organisation help me with publishing my book open access?
Do I need to pay a fee to publish my book open access?
How do publishers cover the costs of open access book publishing?
What are the different models used to publish an open access book?
What does the book processing charge (BPC) cover?
Where can I find available funding for my open access book?
Quality assurance & peer review
Why are reputable open access publishers committed to peer review?
Book contract and licence
Can I include third-party material in an open access book?
Can I transfer my copyright when I want to publish in open access?
How does an open access book publishing agreement differ from a non-open access agreement?
What are my rights as a copyright holder?
What can readers do with my open access book?
What licence can I choose?
What should be agreed with the publisher if I want to publish my book open access?
Who has copyright for my open access book?
Dissemination and marketing
Can open access help my book reach a wider audience?
Can readers build upon my open access book?
Can readers share my open access book?
How can I measure impact for open access books?
How do publishers ensure that open access books are discovered?
How will my publisher market my open access book?
What digital formats can my open access book be in?
Academic-Led Presses
All rights reserved
Author accepted manuscript
Book processing charge
Creative Commons
Diamond open access
Digital archiving
Embargo period
Global South
Gold open access
Gratis open access
Green open access
Indirect costs
Libre open access
Metadata tagging
Open access
Open access policy
Peer review
Persistent identifier
Predatory publishers
Public scholarship
Research data
Third-party permissions
University presses
Version of record