
What is the OAPEN open access books toolkit?

Published June 21 2024 | Revised September 26 2024

What is the OAPEN open access books toolkit

This toolkit is a free-to-access resource that aims to help academic book authors to better understand open access book publishing, and to promote and increase trust in open access books. This toolkit may also be of use to stakeholders including publishers, universities, research funders and research institutions. To learn more about this toolkit please continue reading or take a look at the video below.

The OAPEN open access books toolkit offers a coherent set of 45 articles addressing various topics related to open access books such as:

  • What is open access?
  • Common misconceptions about open access
  • Copyright and licensing
  • Funding
  • Quality assurance
  • Publishing options
  • Discoverability & impact

The following toolkit article(s) address(es) this question:

Welcome to the OAPEN open access books toolkit