What services should a publisher offer?

Published August 11 2020 | Revised September 7 2020

What services should a publisher offer?

There are multiple types of publishers that differ in their approaches and operating models but offer broadly similar services. These include commercial publishers, university presses, new university presses (NUPs), academic-led presses (ALPs), also known as scholar-led presses, and library publishing.

Most reputable publishers offer a range of services, typically including:

  • Peer review
  • Editorial support in developing the manuscript (usually in response to peer review)
  • Copyediting
  • Proofreading
  • Typesetting
  • Producing editions in a range of formats (e.g., paperback, hardback, ePub, MOBI, PDF, XML, HTML)
  • Metadata tagging
  • Marketing
  • Distribution to sales outlets and libraries
  • Archiving
  • Reporting the book’s usage (impact)

The following toolkit article(s) address(es) this question:

Types of publishers and publishing services