This collection of case studies features a group of authors who explain in their own words how open access publication has benefited their work. The authors come from different disciplinary and geographical backgrounds and have published with a range of publishers; they explore different reasons why open access was a successful choice for them.
Author success stories
Author success stories - articles
Open access book ‘success stories’: the authors write
Academic Ableism : Disability and Higher Education
Biostratigraphic and Geological Significance of Planktonic Foraminifera; Evolution and Geological Significance of Larger Benthic Foraminifera
Conservation Biology in Sub-Saharan Africa
Contextual Process Digitalization: Changing Perspectives – Design Thinking – Value-Led Design
Coronavirus Politics: The Comparative Politics and Policy of COVID-19
Destination London: The Expansion of the Visitor Economy
Hippocrates Now: The ‘Father of Medicine’ in the Internet Age
Music on the Move
Rethinking Social Action through Music : The Search for Coexistence and Citizenship in Medellín’s Music Schools
Still Life: Notes on Barbara Loden's "Wanda" (1970)
Wonder, Horror, Mystery: Letters on Cinema and Religion in Malick, Von Trier, and Kieślowski