This research life cycle stage includes articles which may be relevant to authors considering to publish their manuscript open access. These articles can help to better understand the various aspects to keep in mind when publishing an open access book.
Consider Publishing Options
Why publish an open access book?
Publishing open access means your book or chapter can be read, reviewed, shared, and cited without depending on readers buying it or libraries stocking it. Open access therefore greatly increases the opportunities for your work to be read widely and to have an impact on the world.
Usage metrics can help you to demonstrate the reach and impact of your open access book. You should speak with publishers about the kinds of usage metrics that will be available once your book has been published.
Benefits of open access book publishing for early career researchers
This article discusses the particular benefits of open access book publishing with respect to distribution, online portfolios, and impact and ethics for early career researchers, while addressing important challenges of publishing open access.
How to find open access book publishers
The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) is the largest resource to find open access book publishers, with around 400 publishers listed. Other ways to find open access book publishers include the OAPEN list of compliant publishers, the list of OASPA members, and various platforms that host open access books. Self-publishing may also be an option for you.
Self-publishing your open access book
There are advantages and disadvantages to self-publishing an academic book. Advantages include speed and autonomy. Disadvantages include the labour involved and the lack of peer review, quality assurance, dissemination and marketing support provided by a reputable press. This article explores these issues and the tools and platforms that can enable you to self-publish.
The difference between open access and non-open access books
When considering which model to choose, what are the fundamental differences between an open access book and a non-open access book?
Research institutions
Your employer may have specific services available to help you when publishing a book open access. You will also be required to adhere to their policies.