How can I find relevant information quickly within this toolkit?
Users can directly navigate and find the articles relevant for them via one of several navigation approaches, which provide you with a wide variety of entry points into the toolkit to help you find answers to specific questions and browse through articles that may be of interest to you.
The following navigation options are available for users:
Research life cycle - A typical research life cycle for open access books, consisting of eight stages for the purpose of this toolkit.
Glossary - Glossary terms also provide users with an entry point into the toolkit, linking to articles which cover the particular term in the article text.
Keywords - Clicking on a particular keyword draws up a list of articles that are linked with the specific keyword
Frequently Asked Questions - By selecting a frequently asked question on the FAQs page, you can find a short answer as well as navigate directly to articles that provide a more extensive answer to this question.
The following toolkit article(s) address(es) this question: