
Toolkit articles tagged with keyword 'Open access'.

  • The difference between open access and non-open access books

    When considering which model to choose, what are the fundamental differences between an open access book and a non-open access book?

  • Green, gold, diamond – different models for open access books

    Open access can be achieved in a number of ways, with varying results. A publisher might make the book available open access, or an author might archive a pre-publication manuscript version in a repository for anyone to read. Other models are also explored in this article.

  • Open access book policy landscape

    Institutions and funders increasingly require that researchers make their books openly available in order to maximise the impact of the research they support. Open access policies vary considerably, so you should check what requirements apply to you prior to choosing a publisher to ensure that they...

  • What is open access?

    Open-access (OA) literature includes all scholarly outputs that are digital, online, free of charge, accessible without the registration or other access barriers, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. OA is entirely compatible with peer review, and all the major OA initiatives for...

  • Why publish an open access book?

    Publishing open access means your book or chapter can be read, reviewed, shared, and cited without depending on readers buying it or libraries stocking it. Open access therefore greatly increases the opportunities for your work to be read widely and to have an impact on the world.

  • Benefits of open access book publishing for early career researchers

    This article discusses the particular benefits of open access book publishing with respect to distribution, online portfolios, and impact and ethics for early career researchers, while addressing important challenges of publishing open access.